Case Studies

View our recent projects

Lower Street, Rode
Listed Buildings and Conservation - Residential Development - Wiltshire Planning

Lower Street, Rode

Pylle Manor
Listed Buildings and Conservation

Pylle Manor

Charlcombe Lane, Bath
Residential Development

Charlcombe Lane, Bath

Harefield Hall, South Gloucestershire
Listed Buildings and Conservation - Residential Development

Harefield Hall, South Gloucestershire

Hartwells, Bath
Objections and Representations

Hartwells, Bath

The Prebendal, Thame
Listed Buildings and Conservation

The Prebendal, Thame

Hanham Court, South Gloucestershire
Bristol and South Gloucestershire Planning - Listed Buildings and Conservation

Hanham Court, South Gloucestershire

Central Frome, Mendip
Somerset and Mendip Planning

Central Frome, Mendip

Church Street, Warminster, Wiltshire
Residential Development

Church Street, Warminster, Wiltshire

Weymouth, Dorset
Residential Development

Weymouth, Dorset

B&NES Planning - Certificates of Lawfulness and Enforcement


Crockerton, Wiltshire
Residential Development

Crockerton, Wiltshire

Oldford, Mendip
Residential Development

Oldford, Mendip

Sutton Veny, Wiltshire
Residential Development

Sutton Veny, Wiltshire

High Littleton
B&NES Planning - Residential Development

High Littleton

Blue Barn Farm, Lamberts Marsh, Southwick, Wiltshire
Certificates of Lawfulness and Enforcement - Residential Development - Wiltshire Planning

Blue Barn Farm, Lamberts Marsh, Southwick, Wiltshire

BANES Council Public Animation Project
Local Planning Authorities Work

BANES Council Public Animation Project

Planning Consultancy Services